I am very proud to say that the offical Masaru Emoto Office is interested in my work an is using it as well.
The greatest and most unique achievement to make subtle energies visible in a marvelous way was created by the world-renowned water researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan a few years ago.
With this luminous quality determination method are, among other things, the sound and vibrational energies expressively depicted in form of the water crystals.
Akiko Stein created a water-crystal-photograhpie of my crystal singin rod in "Ohm-sound" , witch you can see below.

Akiko Stein – Peace ambassadress of water –
guardian for the heritage of Dr. Masaru Emoto
I am visiting schools, kindergardens an other istitutions and take the message of water to the children directly, take pictures of water crystals as Office Masaru Emoto and locating myself in interaction with scientist, researcher and experts when it comes to water and consciosness by forming a bridge between Europe and Japan.
I am oranizing universal water-blessings, hold lectures and host workshops for children and adults. Among other things i am giving harmonisation- sessions with the advanced MRA device of Office Masaru Emoto and escort humans on their soul-healing-path.
I use all the 13 cosmic sounds (crystal singing rods) and 2 different crystal pyramids from Dieter with great love and greatfulness. I am using them for my whole work and activities to anchor the message of water directly to the heart of all humans with more intuition. I succeed wonderfully with the help of his crystal instruments.
The essence of the crystals( SiO2) as a revelation with the highest purity and unadulterated clarity is the binding point between crystals in the water. crystals in man and the blue crystal mantle of Mother Earth Gaia.
And yes! indeed, anyone who can be open to it feels the heavens on this earth in here and now
The heart becomes warm and strong with compassion and feels the courage to follow the call to your heart and soul.
Thank you very much for Dieter's pure heart and his creative power. Love and gratitude Akiko Stein

Video about my work with the water crystal photographie